

The American Society of Sanitary Engineering or A.S.S.E. is a non-profit, standard developing association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST).  Our society was founded in 1906 and is one of the oldest engineering societies in the United States.


New York Chapter Preamble & Objectives

    WHEREAS, the health, longevity and environment of the individual and persons collectively comprising the Nation are the most important as directly affecting their happiness, their posterity and their moral, educational and physical progress; and-

    WHEREAS, sanitary engineering has a direct and vital function in relation to the health of all individuals; now therefore-

    BE IT RESOLVED, the general objectives of the Society are to promote sanitary engineering measures recognized as essential to the health of the individual and the nation, and to encourage the use of methods and materials for the accomplishment of this end.  Further, to recognize the responsibility to conserve life and, therefore, to lend every possible aid to the improvement and protection of the sanitary environment of the people.  Further to have our members cooperate to the end that by Tests, Research and dissemination of the knowledge obtained and gained from experience, they shall be possessed of the facts and qualified to advise and recommend in matters pertaining to sanitary engineering.

    Our special objectives are to protect the nation's health, solve, so far as possible, the problems of plumbing: water supply, water purifications, drainage, sewage disposal, fire protection and create standardization in practice and material, through our motto "Prevention Rather than Cure".

    That TRUTH and HONESTY be the FOUNDATION of all our relations, as well as LOYALTY to our SOCIETY, and usefulness to the PUBLIC and our SOCIETY MEMBERS.  That in the performance of obligations and duties as members and individuals, we reflect HONOR and INTEGRITY, and in all, we establish and maintain a high technical, mechanical, and professional standard.


NY Chapter, Inc. of the A.S.S.E

Send email to asseny.org@gmail.com for current address.